Results for 'Celia Chaín Navarro'

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  1.  24
    Técnica, cultura y patrimonio marítimo: la herencia de los carpinteros de ribera del Mediterráneo.Celia Chaín-Navarro, Juan José Sánchez-Baena & Alberto Hoces-García - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):a695.
    La profesión de carpintero de ribera, sus técnicas, las herramientas utilizadas, los productos finales: los barcos, así como los conocimientos necesarios para su fabricación forman parte del patrimonio cultural marítimo universal. La construcción en madera es un oficio milenario que está en peligro de desaparición, y con ella uno de los elementos identitarios más importantes de las regiones costeras europeas. La escasa historiografía académica sobre los carpinteros de ribera como protagonistas es el principal motivo de este trabajo, que se adentra (...)
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  2. Análisis del uso de la producción científica a través de las citas realizadas en la "Revista de Indias" (1995-1999).Amalia Más Bleda & Celia Chaín Navarro - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13:195-213.
    In this essay, the articles which are published in the «Revista de Indias»,fiom 1995 to 1999, are analyzed under a scientometric perspective. The main purpose has been to obtain un intercontinental vision fkom the use of scient$c production in the subject of American History through a periodical publication which is rankedjirst among citations and the impact of its works. Firstly, citing works are studied: the numbers of published articles in the analyzed period, authors of fhese articles, and the institution of (...)
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    Identidad cultural en internet: la difusión del Instituto Cervantes y sus homólogos europeos.Andrés Antolino Ibáñez & Celia Chaín Navarro - 2013 - Arbor 189 (760):a023.
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    Tendiendo puentes 2.0 entre la historia y el patrimonio marítimo y los usuarios virtuales: el blog y el perfil en Facebook de la cátedra de historia naval. [REVIEW]Lorena Martinez Solis, Celia Chaín Navarro, Juan José Sánchez Baena & Fernando Díaz Pérez - 2016 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 5 (2):69-78.
    La Cátedra de Historia Naval, impulsada por la Armada Española y la Universidad de Murcia, tiene entre sus objetivos investigar y difundir la Historia y el Patrimonio Naval y Marítimo. Con objeto acercar el conocimiento científico y la información divulgativa versada en esta materia al usuario, nuestra institución no se limita a utilizar los canales clásicos de comunicación como pueden ser los artículos y las monografías, entre otros, sino que, en su apuesta por las Humanidades Digitales, hace un uso pro-activo (...)
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  5. (1 other version)La teledocumentación aplicada a la investigación histórica.Juan José Sánchez Baena & Celia Chaín Navarro - 1989 - Contrastes: Revista de Historia Moderna 5:61-77.
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    Visualizing Research on Industrial Clusters and Global Value Chains: A Bibliometric Analysis.Thais González-Torres, José-Luis Rodríguez-Sánchez, Antonio Montero-Navarro & Rocío Gallego-Losada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:565977.
    In the current digital era, the borders amongst firms are getting blurred when it comes to value creation. Therefore, the traditional configuration of the value chain is frequently replaced by other ones which include the collaborative participation of different agents. Within this context, global value chains, where the value activities are located in different countries, and industrial clusters, which combine competition and cooperation, are attracting a growing attention of both business leaders and scholars in the recent years. Through a bibliometric (...)
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    New Images for Old Symbols: Meanings That Children Give to a Traditional Game.Alfonso García-Monge, Henar Rodríguez-Navarro & Daniel Bores-García - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Traditional games are considered agents of enculturation. This article explores the procedure to access the cultural meanings transmitted in a traditional game. The goal is to understand what children aged 6–11 make of the game called ‘the chained bear’ and to compare the meanings retrieved with those of different traditional versions of the game. For such a purpose, through an exploratory cross-sectional study, cartoons depicting people playing the game were exhibited and viewers were asked to interpret them as a drama (...)
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  8.  34
    Acting in Order to Know, Knowing in Order to Act: Sosa on Epistemic and Practical Deliberation.Jesús Navarro - 2016 - Disputatio 8 (43):233-252.
    The questions ‘Do I know p?’ and ‘shall I take p as a reason to act?’ seem to belong to different domains — or so claims Ernest Sosa in his Judgment and Agency, the latest version of his virtue epistemology. According to Sosa, we may formulate the first question in a purely epistemological way — a matter of knowledge “full stop” —, while the second one is necessarily intruded by pragmatic factors — a matter of “actionable knowledge”. Both should be (...)
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    (1 other version)Applicability and effectiveness of legal norms.Pablo E. Navarro & José Juan Moreso - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (2):201 - 219.
    We analyse the relationship between applicability and effectiveness of legal norms from a philosophical perspective. In particular, we distinguish between two concepts of applicability. The external applicability of norms refers to institutional duties; a norm N is externally applicable if and only if a judge is legally obliged to apply N to some case c. Internal applicability refers instead to the sphere of validity of legal norms. A norm N is internally applicable to actions regulated by its sphere of validity. (...)
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  10.  16
    “Connectedness to Nature Scale”: Validity and Reliability in the French Context.Oscar Navarro, Pablo Olivos & Ghozlane Fleury-Bahi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    An Origin of Citations: Darwin’s Collaborators and Their Contributions to the Origin of Species.Pedro de Lima Navarro & Cristina de Amorim Machado - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (1):45-79.
    In the first edition of the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin apologized for not correctly referencing all the works cited in his magnum opus. More than 150 years later we have catalogued these citations and analyzed the resultant data. Looking for a complete selection of collaborators, a flexible interpretation of the term citation was necessary; we define it as any reference made to a third party, independently of its form or function. Following the same idea, the sixth edition of the (...)
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    Mysticism and mental health: A critical dialogue.George Drazenovich & Celia Kourie - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (2).
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    Crítica de libros.José A. Zamora, Antonio Casado da Rocha, Jorge Riechmann, Adrián Almazán, Carmen Madorrán Ayerra, Javier Romero Muñoz, Fernando Arribas Herguedas, Javier Cigüela Sola, Alfredo Saldaña Sagredo, Clara Navarro Ruiz, Cristopher Morales, Manuel Toscano, Roberto Navarrete Alonso & Ignacio Castro - 2016 - Isegoría 55:707.
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    Bridging the Intellectualist Divide.Jesús Navarro - 2019 - Logos and Episteme 10 (3):299-324.
    Gilbert Ryle famously denied that knowledge-how is a species of knowledge-that, a thesis that has been contested by so-called “intellectualists.” I begin by proposing a rearrangement of some of the concepts of this debate, and then I focus on Jason Stanley’s reading of Ryle’s position. I show that Ryle has been seriously misconstrued in this discussion, and then revise Ryle’s original arguments in order to show that the confrontation between intellectualists and anti-intellectualists may not be as insurmountable as it seems, (...)
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  15.  48
    A Defense of Cooperative Cognition.María G. Navarro - 2018 - In Johannes Rohbeck, Daniel Brauer & Concha Roldán (eds.), Philosophy of Globalization. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 33-46.
    This article explores the extent to which our deliberative culture determines our capacity to recognize relevant knowledge, to select and value epistemic authority, or to recognize the importance of individual and/or collective epistemic achievements in a deliberative context. This investigation is especially relevant in a moment in which the formation of public opinion no longer depends exclusively on political parties. This leads to a paradoxical situation in which the diffuse energy issued by the electorate is not easily subjected to the (...)
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  16.  42
    Can we say what we mean?: Expressibility and background.Jesús Navarro-Reyes - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (2):283-308.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss a basic assumption tacitly shared by many philosophers of mind and language: that whatever can be meant, can be said. It specifically targets John Searle’s account of this idea, focussing on his Principle of Expressibility (PE henceforth). In the first part of the paper, PE is exposed underlining its analyticity (1) and its relevance for the philosophy of language (2), mind (3), society and action (4). In the critical part, the notion of (...)
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  17.  25
    Do Additional Features Help or Hurt Category Learning? The Curse of Dimensionality in Human Learners.Wai Keen Vong, Andrew T. Hendrickson, Danielle J. Navarro & Amy Perfors - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (3):e12724.
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  18.  10
    Axiología sistémica.David Diaz Navarro - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46):123-164.
    El presente artículo tiene como objeto llevar a cabo un estudio pragmático y analítico sobre la acción de valoración, el valor y los valores a la luz de la ciencia semiótica y de la ciencia cibernética. Por ello, se desarrollará un proceso axiológico que ilustre cómo sucede el ingreso, la transición y la salida de códigos morales en función de un esquema cognitivo. Así pues, el proceso axiológico se postula, primero, en fundamento de tres sistemas: de mentalidad, de valores y (...)
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    Antonio Andrés (siglo XIV): estudio bibliográfico-crítico.Sebastián García Navarro - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:85-100.
    Antonio Andrés es un filósofo español del siglo XIV, muy conocido por la relación que mantuvo con Duns Escoto en París. Por esta razón, algunos escritos de Antonio Andrés han sido confundidos con los escritos de Duns Escoto. En este trabajo se estudian dos problemas: primero, determinar qué obras pertenecen a Antonio Andrés; segundo, mostrar si Antonio Andrés fue un filósofo original o bien fue un mero recopilador y difusor de los escritos de Duns Escoto.Antonio Andrés in a Spanish philosopher (...)
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  20.  14
    As cidades lacustres do Maranhão: as estearias sob um olhar histórico e arqueológico.Alexandre Guida Navarro - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (3):126-142.
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  21.  22
    An Evaluation of a Metaheuristic Artificial Immune System for Household Energy Optimization.Maria Navarro-Caceres, Pramod Herath, Gabriel Villarrubia, Francisco Prieto-Castrillo & G. Kumar Venyagamoorthy - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    (1 other version)An embryonic story: Analysis of the gene regulative network controlling Xist expression in mouse embryonic stem cells.Pablo Navarro & Philip Avner - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (7):581-588.
    In mice, dosage compensation of X‐linked gene expression is achieved through the inactivation of one of the two X‐chromosomes in XX female cells. The complex epigenetic process leading to X‐inactivation is largely controlled by Xist and Tsix, two non‐coding genes of opposing function. Xist RNA triggers X‐inactivation by coating the inactive X, while Tsix is critical for the designation of the active X‐chromosome through cis‐repression of Xist RNA accumulation. Recently, a plethora of trans‐acting factors and cis‐regulating elements have been suggested (...)
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  23.  12
    Alcune riflessioni sulla teologia sottostante la filosofia linguistica.Javier Arias Navarro - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 92:315-337.
    Nel 1929 avviene a Davos il famoso incontro tra Ernst Cassirer e Martin Heidegger che rappresenta il dibattito tra le correnti filosofiche dominanti nel mondo di lingua tedesca in quel momento, mentre ci si focalizza, nella sua risoluzione, sull’immediato futuro politico che avrebbe dovuto riguardare l'Europa, con i soliti mitmachen dell'università e della stragrande maggioranza dei suoi intellettuali, tra cuianche buoni sacerdoti e i barbieri di Cervantes, che bruciavano libri. Esattamente quattro secoli fa, tra gli altri, Lutero e Zwingli hanno (...)
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    Attitudes, Sentiments, and Concerns About Inclusive Education of Teachers and Teaching Students in Spain.Diego Navarro-Mateu, Jacqueline Franco-Ochoa, Selene Valero-Moreno & Vicente Prado-Gascó - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Anarquismo y neomalthusianismo: la revista Generación Consciente.Francisco Javier Navarro Navarro - 1997 - Arbor 156 (615):9-32.
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    Civilización, Barbarie e Historia.Jesús Navarro Reyes - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 61.
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    Contribuciones de Einstein a la teoría cuántica.Luis Navarro Veguillas - 2000 - Arbor 167 (659-660):459-473.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Aristóteles.Ángel Alvarado, Úrsula Carrión, Juan Carlos Díaz, Cristina Hinojosa, José Carlos Loyola, Erich Daniel Luna, Eduardo Llosa, Claudia Maldonado, Elvis Mejía, Rafael Moreno Moreno, Vanessa Navarro, Gerardo Perla, Arturo Rivas, Manuel Seifert, Omar Valencia, Ruth Zea & Raúl Zegarra - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6.
    "El repertorio bibliográfico no presenta resumen".
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    Border communities and Royce: The problem of translation and reinterpreting feminist empiricism.Celia T. Bardwell-Jones - 2008 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 22 (1):pp. 12-23.
  30.  84
    Montaigne e a natureza humana no feminino.Maria Célia da Veiga França - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (126):449-461.
    Partindo de algumas passagens dos Ensaios de Montaigne, e, especialmente, do capítulo "Sobre versos de Virgílio", consideramos o retrato da mulher elaborado pelo autor. Contrariamente à maioria dos autores de sua época - dentre os quais Bodin e Charron que, seguindo Aristóteles, consideram que a mulher possui uma natureza inferior à do homem, feita para obedecer, enquanto este último o foi para governar -, Montaigne nos apresenta outro quadro. Influenciado, acreditamos, pelo texto de Agrippa sobre as mulheres, ele propõe uma (...)
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    ADLER, JONATHAN E. Y RIPS, LANCE J. Reasoning. Studies of Human Inference and Its Foundations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, 1057 pp. [REVIEW]María G. Navarro - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico 44 (3):621-624.
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    Arenas, Luis (2021). Capitalismo cansado. Tensiones (eco)políticas del desorden global. Trotta. 202 pp. [REVIEW]Clara Navarro Ruiz - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (1):195-199.
    . El presente texto señala algunas de las intersecciones del libro ARENAS, Luis. Capitalismo cansado. Tensiones políticas del desorden global con otras aproximaciones que, de manera crítica, están analizando el presente. Se muestran sus argumentos principales y principales tesis de discusión, realzando sus virtudes.
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    Agustí Nieto-Galan. Los públicos de la ciencia: Expertos y profanos a través de la historia. 407 pp., illus., bibl., index. Madrid: Marcial Pons Historia Estudios, 2011. €25. [REVIEW]Jaume Navarro - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):772-773.
  34.  20
    Book Review of Until Proven Safe: The History and Future of Quarantine, by Geoff Manaugh and Nicola Twilley. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2021. ISBN: 978–0-374–12,658-2. [REVIEW]J. Alexander Navarro - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (1):117-119.
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  35. Collaborative Remembering: When Can Remembering With Others Be Beneficial?Celia B. Harris, John Sutton, Paul Keil & Amanda Barnier - unknown
    Experimental memory research has traditionally focused on the individual, and viewed social influence as a source of error or inhibition. However, in everyday life, remembering is often a social activity, and theories from philosophy and psychology predict benefits of shared remembering. In a series of studies, both experimental and more qualitative, we attempted to bridge this gap by examining the effects of collaboration on memory in a variety of situations and in a variety of groups. We discuss our results in (...)
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  36.  19
    Onde está a literatura?: seus espaços, seus leitores, seus textos, suas leituras / Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Izabel Pereira Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista, Aracy Alves Martins, organizadoras.Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista & Aracy Alves Martins (eds.) - 2014 - Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.
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    Decoding the ethics code: a practical guide for psychologists.Celia B. Fisher - 2016 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    Revised to reflect the current status of scientific and professional theory, practices, and debate across all facets of ethical decision making, this latest edition of Celia B. Fisher's acclaimed book demystifies the American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. The Fifth Edition explains and puts into practical perspective the format, choice of wording, aspirational principles, and enforceability of the code. Providing in-depth discussions of the foundation and application of each ethical standard to the broad (...)
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  38.  14
    Changing Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology.Celia Kitzinger & Rachel Perkins - 1993 - Only Women Press.
    Is feminism compatible with psychology or therapy? This text suggests alternatives to the dangers offered by the many practitioners of psychology. The authors offer in-depth information on traditional theories alongside an encyclopaedic knowledge of therapy praxis on both sides of the Atlantic.
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  39. Theorizing representing the other.Celia Kitzinger & Sue Wilkinson - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger (eds.), Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 1--32.
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    De la libertad del mundo: homenaje a Juan Manuel Navarro Cordón.Navarro Cordon & Juan Manuel - 2014 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores. Edited by García Norro, Juan José, Ramón Rodríguez, Callejo Hernanz & María José.
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  41. Jesus Navarro y Santiago: Father and I.Greg Navarro - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):375-377.
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  42. Emotional expectations. Husserlian reflections on our emotional relation to the future and the possibility of regulating the emergence of stressful dispositions.Celia Cabrera - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Theories of psychology: fundamentals, applications and future directions.Celia Higgins (ed.) - 2015 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    This book provides fundamentals, applications and future directions of several theories of psychology. The first chapter focuses the classification of narcissism and argues multiple parallels between narcissistic behaviors and documented responses to justice threat. Chapter two examines if individuals who report living on following a gluten-free diet adhere across a typical week, and the behaviors involved in adhering to this specific diet. The purpose of chapter three is to study the effectiveness of a best possible physical activity intervention on perceived (...)
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    Women's Liberation & Socialism.Celia Petty, Deborah Roberts & Sharon Smith - 1987
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    Acción e irracionalidad: Akrasia vs. debilidad de la voluntad.Víctor Manuel Santamaría Navarro - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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  46. Albert Camus.Celia Vázquez - 2010 - A Parte Rei 68:2.
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  47. Relational ethics and research with vulnerable populations.Celia B. Fisher - 1999 - Reports on Research Involving Persons with Mental Disorders That May Affect Decision-Making Capacity 2:29-49.
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  48. Augustine and Avicenna on the Puzzle of Time Without Time.Celia Hatherly - 2021 - In John Doody, Sean Hannan & Kim Paffenroth (eds.), Augustine and Time. Lexington Books. pp. 161-178.
    There is a remarkable coincidence in Augustine and Avicenna’s investigations into the nature of time. Despite the fact that Avicenna wrote in Arabic and Persian, was born in Central Asia more than five hundred years after the death of Augustine, and had no access to Augustine’s philosophical works, both consider a strikingly similar objection to the ontological dependence of time on the motion of the heavens.
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    Evolution, development, and the individual acquisition of traits: What we've learned since Baldwin.Celia L. Moore - 2003 - In Bruce H. Weber & David J. Depew (eds.), Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered. MIT Press. pp. 115--139.
  50. We Remember, We Forget: Collaborative Remembering in Older Couples.Celia B. Harris, Paul Keil, John Sutton, Amanda Barnier & Doris McIlwain - 2011 - Discourse Processes 48 (4):267-303.
    Transactive memory theory describes the processes by which benefits for memory can occur when remembering is shared in dyads or groups. In contrast, cognitive psychology experiments demonstrate that social influences on memory disrupt and inhibit individual recall. However, most research in cognitive psychology has focused on groups of strangers recalling relatively meaningless stimuli. In the current study, we examined social influences on memory in groups with a shared history, who were recalling a range of stimuli, from word lists to personal, (...)
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